About Us


Please don't hesitate to reach out!

We want to hear from YOU and your ideas about the new direction of the Professional Counselors Association of Montana!

Professional Counselors Association of Montana

Feel free to reach out! CONTACT@PCAMONTANA.ORG

Board of Directors


  • President- Cindy R Boyle LCPC, NCC
  • Past president-Tom Ferro LCPC
  • President Elect- Andrew Carter LCPC
  • Treasurer- Rochelle Smith  LCPC, LAC
  • Secretary- Brittany Garcia LCPC
  • Member at Large- Debra Perez PhD, LCPC, LPCC-S (NM)
  • Member at Large- Lynelle Amen LCPC
  • Graduate Student Rep- Callan Ravesloot
  • Public Relations Committee Chair-Rowan Redfield


The Professional Counselors Association of Montana is the only state professional state counseling association in Montana.  We are dedicated to providing resources to Montana LCPCs and their clients.  As a state chapter of the American Mental Health Counselors Association we are also committed to maintaining the values outlined in the Clincial Mental Health Declaration (A Hippocratic Pledge).

Committee Service

We are always interested in finding members who might have  time and talents to serve the association by participating on one of our committees.  If you would like more information or are interested in serving please email Cindy at Cindy@BoyleCC.com 

  • Conference Committee – this committee shall be responsible for the development of conferences and other professional development opportunities for the Association members. This committee will oversee all programs and arrangements for all conferences of the Association. 
  • Public Relations Committee – This committee shall initiate, encourage, and direct activities to build good public relations with members, other associations and mental health providers as well as with the public at large.
  • Legislative Committee – This committee shall be responsible for monitoring the activities of the state and national legislature and other appropriate regulatory bodies and to advise and inform the Association of developments that affect the welfare and working conditions of mental health counselors or the clients they serve. 
  • Membership Committee – This committee shall oversee the management of the membership database, communicate important membership details to current members and seek feedback from members on how the Association is meeting their needs and what the Association could do to better meet the needs of the membership. This committee is also responsible for working with the board and other committees to address membership concerns with a goal to retaining current members and developing increased membership overall.
  • Publications Committee – This committee shall coordinate and direct all publications of this Association. 
  • Nominations and Elections Committee – this committee shall be responsible for carrying out nominations and election procedures in accordance with these by-laws. The President, President-Elect, and Past-President are automatically members of this committee. 

Our Goals

Current Goals:

  • To rebuild and strengthen our state association to better serve all licensed clinical professional counselors (LCPCs) in Montana
  • To have an active voice in the Montana state legislature to ensure our LCPC license stays relevant and strong
  • To have an active website for Montana licensed clinical professional counselors to interact with and provide up to date information regarding any relevant information pertaining to our profession
  • To develop low-cost workshops and seminars for CEs 
  • To be active in local, state, and national issues that are relevant to us as professional counselors and the clients we serve
  • To come together as a professional counselors organization and develop a community of caring professionals that support each other 
  • As the Montana chapter of AMHCA, to promote the values of the Clinical Mental Health Counselors Declaration  

The Professional Counselors Association of Montana is a 
501(c)6 non-profit organization.
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