The Clinical Mental Health Counselor Declaration

A Hippocratic Pledge

Clinical Mental Health Counselors advocate for the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

They are highly trained and qualified to provide comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders as well as barriers to quality of life.

Members of the profession also integrate mental health with social, cultural, vocational, educational, and physical wellness.

As a Clinical Mental Health Counselor:

I pledge to dedicate my professional life to the service of humanity; 

My first consideration will be to improve the mental, emotional, and relational well-being of those within my care, their families, and the community at large; 

I will engage in my profession with integrity and in keeping with codes of ethics, laws, and the best practices of clinical mental health counseling;

I will maintain the utmost respect for each individual and will honor their autonomy, dignity, and self-determination; 

I will respect the confidences that are disclosed to me, in accordance with relevant laws and codes of ethics; 

I will recognize and address presumptions related to gender, age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disease, ability, gender identity, creed, nationality, or any other factors so they will not interfere with my duties; 

I will honor my professional capabilities, so that even under threat, I will not violate human rights or civil liberties; 

I will share my professional knowledge and work in partnership with other health professionals;

I will extend fitting respect and gratitude to my teachers, colleagues, and students; 

I will use my knowledge, skills, and experiences to prepare the next generation of Clinical Mental Health Counselors;

I will attend to my own well-being, my physical wellness, and my personal relationships; 

I will accept my lifelong obligation to improve my professional capabilities in order to provide the highest standard of care; and

I will advocate for the betterment of others, for equality, inclusion, and the intrinsic dignity and the inherent rights of every person, and for the advancement of health and well-being.

As a Clinical Mental Health Counselor,I make this declaration solemnly, freely, and on my honor.

The Professional Counselors Association of Montana is a 
501(c)6 non-profit organization.
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